Since 2008, our company has been connecting our clients in Europe with the largest market for Asian products.

Since then, our numerous stores have been present in different European countries, working daily to offer customers a quality service, the best products and market prices, as well as a pleasant and safe shopping experience.

We work incessantly in different personal online stores and collaborate directly with many of the main marketplaces in each country.

Experience and constant work support us and today we have millions of products successfully distributed and thousands of satisfied customers.

Our work stems from the interest of providing European customers with a safe purchase possibility in Asia, with an exhaustive product and quality inspection and with the best guarantees in the market.

For this, our company has been collaborating for years with the main Asian brands, warehouses and manufacturers, which allow us to distribute their products throughout the European continent.

Administration: admin@greentowerbusiness.com

General Information: info@greentowerbusiness.com

General Information: myjaamou@greentowerbusiness.com

Company Info:

Green Tower Investment Limited

Address: 31/F., Chinachem Century Tower, 178 Gloucester Road, Wanchai 0000 Hong Kong

Company Info:


Address: Stefan Verkovich St. №10 fl. 1 PLOVDIV region, PLOVDIV 4000

Company Info:

MyJaam OÜ

Address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 7-26, 10145